Makalani is committed to being a responsible investor. We have taken a progressive approach to incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors, and other responsible investment practices, into analysis and decision-making across our full range of strategies. We believe that this has a direct and indirect impact on long-term investment returns and also present investment risks.
In applying our responsible investment philosophy, Makalani has adopted the following guiding principles:
- Integrate ESG issues into the investment process, from investment screening and decision-making, through the monitoring of investments over the holding period.
- Ensure that all investment sponsors are dedicated to preventive and precautionary approaches with respect to environmental and social impacts. If any environmental or social impact is unavoidable it must be appropriately mitigated or compensated.
- Ensure that investment sponsors comply with the legal and regulatory requirements of the jurisdictions in which they operate and, beyond that work towards relevant international ESG norms and standards.
- Ensure that investment sponsors observe high standards of business integrity and governance.
- Encourage investment sponsors to establish an open dialogue with their stakeholders on the environmental and social impacts of their activities.
- Seek continuous improvement in the management of ESG matters.
- Report on Makalani’s activities and progress towards implementing ESG principles.
- Provide transparent and relevant information on ESG matters relating to investment activities, while observing any commercial confidentiality requirements.
Makalani is a signatory to the United Nations Supported Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). In addition to PRI, the fund manager will embrace principles of the following organizations with respect to ESG and responsible investment aspects of our investment strategies: